megaphone announcement Scheduled maintenance is planned for February 11, 2025, from 9:00 to 9:15 AM EST. Service may be temporarily unavailable during this time.

The Best
RV Trip Planner

RV Trip Planning has never been easier. Save time, plan safe RV routes, find great campgrounds.

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RV LIFE Trip Wizard Map Background

Best-In-Class Features

Visual RV Trip Planner screenshot

A Visual RV Trip Planner

See the Route you are taking, with Campgrounds, Gas Stops, points of interest and more.

Real campground info from real RVers photo

Unbiased Information

Over 20,000 Campgrounds with reviews by Real RVers. Over 10 million data points related to Parks including hookups, features, etc…

RV Safe route based on your rig screenshot

Customized to your RV

It customizes RV safe Routes to the height & weight of your RV. Avoid low clearances, steep grades, and propane restrictions.

Over 20,000 Campgrounds on Map

Over 20,000 Campgrounds

Browse from ALL Campground Affiliations (Good Sam, Passport America, etc...). No Restrictions like other tools.

Tens of Thousands of Points of Interest along your travels image

Over 57,000 Points of Interest

The fun of travel and exploring is finding unique places. We have an ever-growing list of locations to choose from.

Web-based, works on all modern browsers and devices

Web Based, No Installation

Have a web browser? Of course you do, so don't worry about downloading any applications, or applying updates. Its all built on the web.

Organize your Memberships and Discount Clubs screenshot

Rank Your Memberships

If you have a membership like Good Sam, Escapees, or dozens of others, you can rank them so you can find the best value parks.

Calculate Cost of Trip Screenshot

Understand the Cost of your Trip

The Wiz will help to estimate the cost of your trip with Gas and Campground Fees. Updated as you update your trip.

Set your own comfortable driving times or distances screenshot

Set Driving Times and Distances

Set your Driving Distances and the map will show you if you may have stretched yourself too thin on a leg of your trip.

How RV LIFE Trip Wizard can help you

Watch a quick video to learn about some of the many features that make RV LIFE Trip Wizard the best choice for RVers looking to save time and money with their Trip Planning.

Tablet View of RV LIFE Trip Wizard

All The Information you need

See all the information you're looking for on your devices. Our Trip Planner is set up so you can do everything from one screen. Your trip on the left panel, your map centered, and your research panel to the right to find campgrounds, points of interest, and potential hazards.

RV LIFE Trip Wizard trips on the RV LIFE App screenshot

An RV GPS in your pocket

Combine RV LIFE Trip Wizard with the RV LIFE App, and we'll make the days you head out the road a breeze. Get RV Safe GPS routing right on your phone or tablet with the RV LIFE App. RV LIFE Trip Wizard seamlessly integrates its trips into your app.

Simple & Affordable

$ 65 per year
One week free trial

Hear from some people who love using it

My husband and I are full time RVers in a 45ft 5th wheel toy hauler. I use RV Trip Wizard to plan our route. It has made my trip planning so much easier since I can filter out campgrounds that cannot accommodate our trailer. The ability to check reviews and to go to the campgrounds' websites from the app is also extremely useful. I recommend RV Trip Wizard to other RVers all the time.
Jana A.
If you are worried about low bridges on your trip or where the best, low cost parks are, worry no more because this App is absolutely the best RV trip planer out there. We've tried them all and this ones smokes them all. Spot on! If you have a smart phone or a tablet, RV Trip Wizard works with either, we absolutely rely on it and would not leave our home without planning our route with this tool first. Highly recommend it…
Pat K.
We took a 3 month trip last year and I looked for a good trip planner. I tried winging it with google earth and researching the internet at first. Then I found RV Trip Wizard. I thought I try it. Just a few hours in to planning our trip I was hooked. It has everything I need to plan our trips. Way worth the small price. And the great part it's got better since last years trip. They keep adding and making it better all the time. I've got this years about ready to go and a few small side trips already planned.
Joe A.

Works on All Popular Computers and Tablets

Simple & Affordable

$ 65 per year
One week free trial